Domain Registration
.NGO Domain Registration 
To order your .ngo domain name, enter your domain into the box below, click the "Order" button and then follow the on screen prompts
If you require assistance with .ngo domain registration, please contact our helpdesk via email or telephone.
.NGO Domain Information
NGOs are organisations whose mission and activities are broadly centred on acting in the public interest, improving the human condition, are non-governmental, non-profit and non-criminal.
ONG is the abbreviated translation for non-governmental organisation in romance languages, such as French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
.ngo and .ong are sold as a package; by registering the .ngo domain, you will also reserve the same name in .ong, and vice versa.
Be sure to protect your Non-Governmental Organisation.
Requirements to register .ngo/.ong are:
- The Registrant of the domain will need to provide information about the organisation, including the identity of the NGO or NGO association on whose behalf the entity is acting and the role that the representative of within the NGO or NGO association.
- The Registrant will be required to submit validation documentation this may consist of one or more of the following: government lists, corporate documents (e.g., Articles of Incorporation), tax records or other documents evidencing the entity’s charitable status and work in the community it serves.
- If the Registrant does not successfully complete the validation process within three hundred sixty (360) days from the date it registers the domain name bundle, the domain name bundle will be deleted and released back into the pool of available domains and any fees paid in connection with the registration of the domain name bundle will be forfeit.
- The Registrant will be required to certify that the information and documentation it submitted in the validation process remains true, complete and accurate at least once every two years after initial validation.
.ngo Availability Information
Although we make every effort to ensure our availability checker is accurate, there is a possibility that we may show reserved/premium domains
as available due to the early stage of roll out for this domain.
If you submit an order for a domain that is later identified as reserved then we will unfortunately be unable to complete the
registration and you will be provided a full refund.
If you submit an order for a domain that is later identified as premium then you will have two options available to you:
- Pay the additional premium rate to secure your domain
- Receive a refund, in which case even fees stated as "non-refundable" will be refunded.
We thank you for your understanding during this exciting transformative stage of the domain industry.
General Information
Requirements: | Restricted: Additional information is required for domain registration and domain transfer. |
Registration Time: | 0 Day(s) |
Category: | Causes |
Minimum Registration Term:* | 1 Year(s) |
* Price can vary if the registry operator has classified your desired domain name as a premium name, which incurs a variable higher price than what's shown above.
Registry Information
gTLD Operator: Public Interest Registry
Sunrise Period Dates: 03/17/2015 - 04/16/2015
Sunrise Period Requirements: Must have trademark that matches your desired gTLD lodged inside the Trademark-Clearinghouse (TMCH). Must also meet requirements outlined above.
Landrush Period Dates: 04/21/2015 - 05/05/2015
Landrush Requirements: Must meet requirements outlined above.
Landrush Assignment: First-come first served (live landrush).
General Availability Date: 05/06/2015
General Availability Requirements:Must meet requirements outlined above.
gTLD Operator: | Public Interest Registry |
Sunrise Period Dates: | 03/17/2015 - 04/16/2015 |
Sunrise Period Requirements: | Must have trademark that matches your desired gTLD lodged inside the Trademark-Clearinghouse (TMCH). Must also meet requirements outlined above. |
Landrush Period Dates: | 04/21/2015 - 05/05/2015 |
Landrush Requirements: | Must meet requirements outlined above. |
Landrush Assignment: | First-come first served (live landrush). |
General Availability Date: | 05/06/2015 |
General Availability Requirements: | Must meet requirements outlined above. |
.NGO Bulk Domain Registration
gTLD Background Information
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