Home > Domainpulse > Icann Post Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedures For New Gtlds Icann Seeks Service Providers For Registry Restriction Drp And Trademark Pddrp

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ICANN: Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedures for New gTLDs: ICANN Seeks Service Providers for Registry Restriction DRP and Trademark PDDRP - 7 May, 2013, 12:31 pm

ICANN new generic Top Level Domains logoICANN is issuing today two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to identify potential providers of Registry Restrictions Dispute Resolution Procedure (RRDRP) services and Trademark Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure (Trademark PDDRP) services. These Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedures have been developed to provide those harmed by a new gTLD Registry Operator’s conduct an alternative avenue to complain about that conduct. The RRDRP is intended to address circumstances in which a community-based New gTLD Registry Operator deviates from the registration restrictions outlined in its Registry Agreement. The Trademark PDDRP generally addresses a Registry Operator’s complicity in trademark infringement on the first or second level of a New gTLD.

Candidates for operating the RRDRP or the Trademark PDDRP are expected to meet the requirements outlined in the respective RFPs. Some are common for both, for example, experience of handling dispute resolutions and serving as globally diverse and highly qualified neutral panelist. For each procedure there are also specific requirement. For the Trademark PDDRP, candidates need for example to demonstrate understanding of the issues concerning global intellectual property rights and the Internet, and for the RRDRP candidates should demonstrate an understanding of priorities, needs and vulnerabilities of communities 1 in an expedited online context. Full information is given in the respective RFPs – for the RRDRP see www.icann.org/en/news/rfps/rrdrp-30apr13-en.pdf 2 and for the TM PDDRP see www.icann.org/en/news/rfps/tm-pddrp-30apr13-en.pdf 3. ICANN seeks candidates with a proven ability to manage and support processes in a global context, in addition to fulfillment of the technical requirements.

RFP activities schedule at a glance:

Requests for Proposals issued by ICANN 30 April 2013
Respondents’ Q&A – Teleconference 21 May 2013
Written responses due 31 May 2013 (23:59 UTC)
Selected providers published Not later than 30 June 2013

The deadline for responses is 31 May 2013 at 23:59 UTC. Responses should be submitted to: rrdrp-eoi@icann.org regarding RRDRP or tmpddrp-eoi@icann.org regarding Trademark PDDRP.

Announcement revision note 2 May 2013:

1 Word replace from proceedings with communities for clarity.

2 & 3 PDF files replaced with corrected links for the procedure texts.

This ICANN announcement was sourced from:

ICANN: Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedures for New gTLDs: ICANN Seeks Service Providers for Registry Restriction DRP and Trademark PDDRP - 1 May, 2013, 12:37 pm

ICANN new generic Top Level Domains logoICANN is issuing today two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to identify potential providers of Registry Restrictions Dispute Resolution Procedure (RRDRP) services and Trademark Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure (Trademark PDDRP) services. These Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedures have been developed to provide those harmed by a new gTLD Registry Operator’s conduct an alternative avenue to complain about that conduct. The RRDRP is intended to address circumstances in which a community-based New gTLD Registry Operator deviates from the registration restrictions outlined in its Registry Agreement. The Trademark PDDRP generally addresses a Registry Operator’s complicity in trademark infringement on the first or second level of a New gTLD.

Candidates for operating the RRDRP or the Trademark PDDRP are expected to meet the requirements outlined in the respective RFPs. Some are common for both, for example, experience of handling dispute resolutions and serving as globally diverse and highly qualified neutral panelist. For each procedure there are also specific requirement. For the Trademark PDDRP, candidates need for example to demonstrate understanding of the issues concerning global intellectual property rights and the Internet, and for the RRDRP candidates should demonstrate an understanding of priorities, needs and vulnerabilities of proceedings in an expedited online context. Full information is given in the respective RFPs – for the RRDRP see www.icann.org/en/news/rfps/rrdrp-30apr13-en.pdf [PDF, 163 KB] and for the TM PDDRP see www.icann.org/en/news/rfps/tm-pddrp-30apr13-en.pdf [PDF, 158 KB]. ICANN seeks candidates with a proven ability to manage and support processes in a global context, in addition to fulfillment of the technical requirements.

RFP activities schedule at a glance:

Requests for Proposals issued by ICANN 30 April 2013
Respondents’ Q&A – Teleconference 21 May 2013
Written responses due 31 May 2013 (23:59 UTC)
Selected providers published Not later than 30 June 2013

The deadline for responses is 31 May 2013 at 23:59 UTC. Responses should be submitted to: rrdrp-eoi@icann.org regarding RRDRP or tmpddrp-eoi@icann.org regarding Trademark PDDRP.

This ICANN announcement was sourced from:

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